商品の説明 実践的なスキルを身に付けるための教材やCD付き書籍も取り扱い 洋書 Larissa Ryazanova-Clarke, Terence Wade『現代のロシア語(The Russian Language Today)』(Routledge)369ページ/定価:18.99ポンド/1999年出版 内容:「The Russian Language Today provides the most up-to-date analysis of the Russian language. The Russian language has changed dramatically in recent years, becoming inundated by new words, mainly from American English. The authors focus on the resulting radical changes in Russian vocabulary and grammar. Supported throughout by extracts from contemporary press and literary sources, this is a comprehensive overview of present-day Russian and an essential text for all students of the Russian language.」 効果的な学習をサポートし、言語能力の向上を目指します 著者略歴:「Larissa Ryazanova-Clarke is a Lecturer in Russian at the University of Edinburgh. Terence Wade is Professor Emeritus and Research Fellow in Russian Studies at the University of Strathclyde.」 サイズ:23.4 X 15.5 X 1.7 cm ※他にも本を出品しています。まとめ買い歓迎です。1品追加で150円値引きします。 商品の情報 カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > 語学・辞書・学習参考書商品の状態未使用に近い発送元の地域北海道
洋書 Larissa Ryazanova-Clarke, Terence Wade『現代のロシア語(The Russian Language Today)』(Routledge)369ページ/定価:18.99ポンド/1999年出版
内容:「The Russian Language Today provides the most up-to-date analysis of the Russian language. The Russian language has changed dramatically in recent years, becoming inundated by new words, mainly from American English. The authors focus on the resulting radical changes in Russian vocabulary and grammar. Supported throughout by extracts from contemporary press and literary sources, this is a comprehensive overview of present-day Russian and an essential text for all students of the Russian language.」
著者略歴:「Larissa Ryazanova-Clarke is a Lecturer in Russian at the University of Edinburgh. Terence Wade is Professor Emeritus and Research Fellow in Russian Studies at the University of Strathclyde.」
サイズ:23.4 X 15.5 X 1.7 cm
カテゴリー本・雑誌・漫画 > 本 > 語学・辞書・学習参考書商品の状態未使用に近い発送元の地域北海道