商品の説明 キヤノン レンズ f4 24-105mm です。 動作確認済、傷、埃、カビ、くもりなど無し。レンズの状態も問題ありません。 状態の詳細をご希望の場合はお気軽にコメントください。 広角から中望遠まで対応可。レンズ詳細はキヤノンのHPをご確認ください。 An absolutely perfect condition canon image stabilizer f4 24-105mm. Introducing the Canon f4 24mm-105mm Image Stabilizer Lens, your ultimate companion for capturing stunning, high-quality images. With its versatile focal range, you can effortlessly switch between wide-angle and mid-range shots, perfect for landscapes, portraits, and everything in between. Equipped with advanced image stabilization technology, this lens ensures sharpness and clarity, even in low-light conditions or when shooting on the move. Whether you"re a professional photographer or an enthusiast, elevate your photography game with the Canon f4 24mm-105mm Image Stabilizer Lens and unlock a world of creative possibilities. 商品の情報 カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > その他商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域東京都
キヤノン レンズ
f4 24-105mm です。
An absolutely perfect condition canon image stabilizer f4 24-105mm.
Introducing the Canon f4 24mm-105mm Image Stabilizer Lens, your ultimate companion for capturing stunning, high-quality images. With its versatile focal range, you can effortlessly switch between wide-angle and mid-range shots, perfect for landscapes, portraits, and everything in between. Equipped with advanced image stabilization technology, this lens ensures sharpness and clarity, even in low-light conditions or when shooting on the move. Whether you"re a professional photographer or an enthusiast, elevate your photography game with the Canon f4 24mm-105mm Image Stabilizer Lens and unlock a world of creative possibilities.
カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > その他商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域東京都