商品の説明 作品名:Fragaria 作者:Josep Baqués 額サイズ:縦46cm横52cm 285/300 祖父母の自宅に飾られていました。 Josep Baques (1931) was born in Montmeló near Barcelona. It is precisely the Spanish nature that is a major inspiration in his surrealist art. The earth and its fruits are his main focus and this has made Baques very popular in Spain and Catalonia. Baques is also well known abroad and he exhibited for the first time in Sweden in 1988. 商品の情報 カテゴリーハンドメイド・手芸 > アート・写真 > 絵画商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域埼玉県
作者:Josep Baqués
Josep Baques (1931) was born in Montmeló near Barcelona. It is precisely the Spanish nature that is a major inspiration in his surrealist art. The earth and its fruits are his main focus and this has made Baques very popular in Spain and Catalonia. Baques is also well known abroad and he exhibited for the first time in Sweden in 1988.
カテゴリーハンドメイド・手芸 > アート・写真 > 絵画商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域埼玉県