Choose the right bamboo for your plantations. In a bamboo plantation project, the most serious mistake that can be made is planting a species that does not meet the requirements of the intended industry. Out of the 1,650 bamboo species that exist, only 30 are suitable for plantations that generate the appropriate raw material for […]
Bamboo, CO2 and COP

I hope that at the COP, which is the supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, its annual meetings would consider bamboo as a key plant that can rapidly contribute to mitigating climate change. Every year, 37.15 billion tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere. Bamboo, with its forests and […]
Bamboo and CO2

Did you know that it would take planting 17 hectares of eucalyptus or up to 43 hectares of mahogany to match the CO2 capture of JUST ONE hectare of bamboo? To fully understand this topic, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the following concepts. Plants, through photosynthesis, capture CO2 from the air […]

¿Sabías que se tendría que sembrar 17 hectáreas eucaliptos o hasta 43 de caobas para igualar la captura de CO2 de UNA SOLA HECTAREA bambú? Para entender perfectamente este tema es necesario tener muy claro los siguientes conceptos. Las plantas a través de la fotosíntesis Capturan CO2 del aire y Fijan Carbono en sus tejidos […]
Bamboo and carbon capture

Did you know that it would take 17 hectares of eucalyptus or even 43 hectares of mahogany to match the CO2 capture of JUST ONE HECTARE of bamboo? To fully understand this topic, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the following concepts. Plants, through photosynthesis, capture CO2 from the air and fix […]