I hope that at the COP, which is the supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, its annual meetings would consider bamboo as a key plant that can rapidly contribute to mitigating climate change.

Every year, 37.15 billion tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere. Bamboo, with its forests and plantations covering approximately 43 million hectares globally, helps capture 2.363 billion tons, representing 6.36% of total annual emissions. This is a massive amount of trapped CO2 that should be taken into account.

Currently, the Earth has 50.1 billion hectares of land. Considering that one hectare of bamboo captures 78.5 tons of CO2 per year, it can be deduced that if governments and businesses of all kinds planted 676 million hectares of bamboo (which is just 1.35% of the Earth’s surface), they could neutralize ALL the carbon dioxide emitted annually into the atmosphere in a short period of time.


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